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Installation Manual

Installation summary

You can find general information, technical description and deployment considerations about Excalibur components in deployment documentation.

Excalibur Enterprise installation process:

  1. Excalibur Server installation (required)
  2. Excalibur Facade installation (required)
  3. Excalibur Dashboard administrator registration (required)
  4. Excalibur Client(s) registration (optional)
  5. Excalibur TRESK installation (optional)

Content of deployment package

  • 📦 excalibur-<customer>-<version>.zip*

    • 📁 Server - installation files for Excalibur Server component

    • 📁 Facade - installation binaries for Excalibur Facade component

      • 📦 excalibur-ad-facade-<version>-x64-<customer>-<type>.msi
    • 📁 Client - installation binaries for Excalibur Client component

      • 📦 excalibur-client-<version>-x86-<customer>-<type>.msi
      • 📦 excalibur-client-<version>-x64-<customer>-<type>.msi

Excalibur Server installation


  • Single-node deployment - consists of one node with full service stack.
CPU cores 8
RAM (min.) 8GB
Disk space (min.) 100GB
OS (recomended) Latest Ubuntu LTS
Latest RHEL (min. Maintenance Support)
Docker (recomended) Latest
  • High Availability deployment - consists of a cluster of at least 3 nodes. Where a pair of nodes (primary, secondary) take over the role of execution and control nodes, the other node (arbiter) is used only for the management of the swarm services.
primary, secondary
CPU cores 8 2
RAM (min.) 8GB 4GB
Disk space (min.) 100GB 20GB
OS (recomended) Latest Ubuntu LTS
Latest RHEL (min. Maintenance Support)
Docker (recomended) Latest

Docker installation

Installation instructions for Ubuntu and RHEL can be found in the Docker documentation. The documentation contains all the necessary information about the currently supported operating systems.

Installation package content

  • 📂 config/ - directory with application configuration/customization
    • 📂 certificates
      • 📁 push - push messages certificates/keys
      • 📁 ssl - placeholder directory for TLS certificates
      • 📁 xclbr - certificates for Excalibur components
    • 📁 conf.d - granulated main configuration (optional)
    • 📄 excalibur.json - server`s main configuration file
    • 📄 logger.json - server`s logger configuration file
    • 📄 mongodb.json - storage service configuration
    • 📄 db_root_password - root/failover password for database(s)
    • 📄 logo.png - company logo
    • 📄 push.yml - push messages (gorush) configuration file
  • ⚙ - main installation and maintenance script
  • 📄 excalibur-stack.yml - Excalibur Server service definition
  • 📄 excalibur-stack-ha.yml - HA extra stack configuration (HA variant)
  • 📄 excalibur-stack-logging.yml - Syslog/Siem logging extra options (optional)


Do not remove config/ directory or any .yml file during or after installation process. Those files are crucial for correct startup and running of Excalibur Server services.

Installation with two phases

  • First phase (-o) consist of Docker swarm initialization and appropriate certificate generation, but no docker deploy is done.

    ./ install -o -r primary
  • After that phase there is a space for (TLS) certification fine-tuning. You can swap temporary/self-signed one's (automatically generated during first phase) with ones issued by real CA. To completely finish installation run main scrip again but now with update action.

    ./ update -r

Installation steps - single node variant

Copy the installation package to the server and unpackage it. Precondition for all installation steps is that your working directory/path is set to directory where you unpack deployment package.

  1. Generate application certificates and create local Docker swarm:

    ./ install -o


    After this step, certs/ directory is created which contains all certificates and cryptography files.

  2. Update TLS/SSL (Dashboard) certificate and private key. (recomended)

    cp new_dashboard.crt ./certs/dashboard.crt
    cp new_dashboard.key ./certs/dashboard.key


    This step is optional but highly recommended. If you decide to do it later, than follow appropriate steps from Administration manual.

  3. Adjust main (server) configuration. (optional)

    vim ./config/excalibur.json


    You can find full description of configuration options in Administration manual.

  4. Deploy (updated) stack configuration into local Docker Swarm:

    ./ update -l
  5. Check system status

    ./ status
  6. Follow server`s post installation steps

Installation steps - HA variant

Copy the installation package to all nodes on same path and unpackage it. Precondition for all installation steps is that your working directory/path is set to directory where you unpack deployment package.

  1. System installation steps on primary node - node #1

    1. Generate application certificates and create Docker swarm:

      ./ install -sor primary


      During installation you must provide ip address of node #1 node! Script generates swarm join token for installation on other HA nodes.

    2. Update TLS certs. (recomended)


      This step is optional but highly recommended. If you decide to do it later, than follow appropriate steps from Administration manual.

    3. Deploy (updated) stack configuration into Docker Swarm:

      ./ update -lsr
  2. System installation steps on secondary node - node #2

    1. Join node into already created swarm as secondary role:

      ./ install -sr secondary


      During installation you must provide ip address of node #1 (primary) node and swarm join token!

  3. System installation steps on arbiter node - node #3

    1. Join node into already created swarm as arbiter role:

      ./ install -sr arbiter


      During installation you must provide ip address of node #1 (primary) node and swarm join token!

  4. Database replication steps on secondary node - node #2

    1. Dump database from primary node

      ./ ha db -D
    2. Clear excalibur database on secondary node

      ./ ha db -C
    3. Apply database dump from primary node

      ./ ha db -A
  5. Database replication steps on primary node - node #1

    1. Enable database master-master replication

      ./ ha db -e
    2. Check MariaDB replication status

      # show master status
      ./ ha db -m
      # show secondary status
      ./ ha db -s
  6. Recordings storage replication steps on primary node - node #1

    1. Enable recordings storage master-master replication

      ./ ha mongo -r
    2. Check MongoDB replication status

      ./ ha mongo -s
  7. Follow server`s post installation steps

Post-installation steps

  1. Excalibur Facade component installation

  2. Very first administrator registration

    1. Load the Excalibur Dashboard on the browser
    2. Fill Active Directory username and administrator password to the shown registration form
    3. Install the mobile app to the administrator's phone Excalibur User Manual.
    4. Scan the schown registration QR from the Excalibur Dasboard screen and finish the registration


    The registered administrator is automatically the Excalibur system administrator with the highest rights in the Dashboard console.

  3. Excalibur Client component installation

Additional configuration options

If Docker operates behind proxy update docker service file located at /lib/systemd/system/docker.service and restart docker service.


systemctl restart docker.service

Optional logging - rsyslogd configuration

cat << EOF > /etc/rsyslog.d/excalibur-logger.conf
# provides UDP syslog reception
input(type="imudp" port="514")

# provides TCP syslog reception
input(type="imtcp" port="514")

if( re_match( $syslogtag, 'excalibur-(proxy|db-primary|db-secondary|mongodb-primary|mongodb-secondary|mongodb-arbiter)') ) then {
  # write to file
  action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/excalibur-system.log")

if( $syslogtag startsWith 'excalibur') then {
  # write to file
  action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/excalibur.log")
systemctl restart rsylog.service

To store Recordings on custom host location please update volume section in excalibur-stack.yml file.

    driver: local
      type: none
      o: bind
      device: /my-custom-location

Excalibur Server uninstall

Uninstall - single node variant

  1. Uninstall application files, remove application stack and leave Docker Swarm:

    ./ uninstall

Uninstall - HA variant

  1. Uninstall steps on primary node - node #3

    1. Uninstall application files on arbiter node and leave Docker Swarm:

      ./ uninstall
  2. Uninstall steps on primary node - node #2

    1. Uninstall application files on secondary node and leave Docker Swarm:

      ./ uninstall
  3. Uninstall steps on primary node - node #1

    1. Uninstall application files on primary node, remove application stack and leave Docker Swarm:

      ./ uninstall

Uninstall - manual cleanup (In case of automatic uninstall failure)

  • Uninstall steps are same for all nodes and instalation types

    1. Leave Docker Swarm:

      docker swarm leave --force
    2. Clean all volumes, containers, images and networks

      docker system prune --all --volumes --force
    3. Remove remaining persistent storage data or instalation specific files manually from the host file system

Excalibur Facade component installation


Excalibur Facade
OS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and higher
CPU (min.) 2 GHz
RAM (min.) 2 GB
Disk space (min.) 5 MB
Services gMSA or ADDC


Used disk space depends on Excalibur Facade usage and debug level.


For further information please see the detailed documentation AD Facade Manual.

Installation steps (gMSA account)

  1. Install gMSA to the computer, which is domain controller.
  2. Install AD modul for Windows PowerShell.
  3. Create a gMSA account on AD.
  4. Assign the appropriate rights to the created account AD Facade Manual.
  5. Configure created account to the target computer (AD).
  6. Install delivered installation package to the AD domain controller.


Installation via Active Directory Domain Controller (ADDC) is recommended, as this simplifies the installation and subsequent updates of the component.

Excalibur Client component installation


x86 x64
OS (min.) Windows 7 (SP1) x86 Windows 7 (SP1) x64
RAM (min.) 1 GB 2 GB
Disk space (min.) 20 MB 20 MB
Software Internet Explorer 9 and higher


Used disk space depends on Excalibur Client usage and debug level.


For further information please see the detailed documentation Client Manual.

Installation steps

  1. Run the supplied msi installation package
  2. Follow the instructions of the installation program
  3. Start using Excalibur Client after logout current session.


After successful installation it is recommended to perform online login to test Excalibur Client functionality and to generate offline tokens for future OTP logins


Excalibur Client can be fully installed using automated tools.

Excalibur TRESK component installation



Excalibur TRESK-VM
OS Ubuntu
CPU (min.) 2 GHz
RAM (min.) 2 GB
Disk space (min.) 10 GB
Services Docker

Installation steps

  1. Generate run script
  2. Execute run script on TRESK-VM
  3. ...

Further materials

Excalibur User Manual

Excalibur Administrattor Dashboard Manual

Excalibur Client Installation Manua

Excalibur AD Facade manual

Excalibur Whitepaper

Excalibur Tresk Whitepaper